31 juli 2009 was ik met mijn toenmalige vriendin op vakantie in Tsjechië. Ze was nogal in to psychologie, een goed excuus om Příbor te bezoeken. Haar aandacht ging vooral uit naar het geboortehuis van Sigmund Freud, persoonlijk vond ik deze Oasa HD 12 interessanter. Ik had nog nooit van dit merk gehoord en volgens mij later ook nooit meer dit model ooit gespot.
Wie meer wil leren over dit merk verwijs ik graag door naar dAuto.nl.
Edit: Viktor Kacmar stuurde nog wat aanvullende informatie:
OASA was a Czech make created shortly after the old regime fell, as a transformation of former bus repair center. Back then, many people wanted to discover Europe and our local market was missing a real high-deck coach – Karosa was producing everything within the same body at the time, modifying just the interior.
Therefore, this company came with an idea to design new body on the traditional Karosa chassis – the OASA 901. The interior was fine, but the bus itself was not reliable and the driving parameters were poor. That´s why OASA started to offer a better version on MAN chassis, called 903 (see e.g. http://www.jedotour.cz/man.htm ). Previous problems caused their image to be negative already, so they didn´t manage to sell bigger amounts and bankrupted soon after.
If you haven´t googled it yet, it is also interesting to know that the bus you snapped was originally planned for a (now) Slovak operator, too. However, OASA did not finish it on time (and even raised the price in the meantime, as rumors say), so Mr. Rybár declined the contract. OASA then used it as a demo-bus at the Czechoslovak General Exhibition and sold it to another company later (see https://evidencia-dopravcov.eu/en/voz/20237 or https://seznam-autobusu.cz/en/vuz/34850 ).
Persoonlijke keuzes, altijd goed en zoals met zo’n spot beter👍🏻